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The Cloud Protector Course

Embark on the Cloud Protector Course at Cyber Dojo, a dynamic program tailored to fortify your expertise in cloud security. Explore topics such as Cloud Computing, Load Balancing, ELK Stack, etc. This comprehensive course ensures you gain a robust skill set to safeguard cloud environments and navigate the complexities of modern cybersecurity in the cloud era.

Badge - Certified Cybersecurity Cloud Protector Course

3.8 Rating

  • Virtualization Vs Containerization

  • Cloud Computing

  • Exploring AWS

  • Understanding IAMs

  • S3 Essentials

  • Load Balancing

  • ELK Stack

  • Exploring Docker & Kubernetes

Gain expertise in safeguarding cloud environments amid modern cybersecurity challenges.


Cloud Security Avatar

Course Details

Total Course Duration                    120 Hours

Course Lab Hours                            60 Hours

Course Modules                               5 Modules

Total Course Topics                         25+ Topics

Internship (1 Month) & Project Support

Additional Technical Soft Skills Module

On Premise Labs Delivery

Access To Specially Curated Study Notes

Course Topics (Macro Scale)

Module 1

1. Virtualization Vs Containerization

2. Introduction to Cloud Computing

3. Exploring AWS Cloud

4. Essential CSA Terminology

5. Introduction to VPC

6. Understanding VPC Peering

7. Exploring VPC Routing

8. Understanding IGW & Networking Basics

Module 2

1. Introduction to EC2

2. EC2 Instance Types

3. EC2 Security Groups

4. Understanding EBS

5. All about IAM

6. Manage Identities with IAM

7. IAM Exploitation

8. All about STS

Module 3

1. S3 Essentials

2. S3 Components

3. S3 Features

4. Creating S3 Objects 

5. S3 Buckets

6. S3 Cross-Region Replication

Module 4

1. Exploring Load Balancing

2. Understanding Cloud Watch, SNS etc

3. Exploring AWS Inspector

4. Logging & Monitoring with ELK

5. Cloud Security Posture Management

6. Understanding Docker & Kubernetes

Module 5

1. Effective Technical Communication

2. Technical Documentation

3. Technical Reporting & Presentations

4. Drafting Technical Proposals 

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Master cloud security with Cyber Dojo's Cloud Protector Course

Unlock the future of cybersecurity with our Cloud Security Course at Cyber Dojo. Immerse yourself in cutting-edge topics and gain a robust skill set to defend against evolving cyber threats in cloud environments.

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